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What About Brides Who Wear Glasses?

Photo by Jeff Langhorn

Written by Rebecca Thompson Spexbox

So the big event happens and you’re engaged to be married. Whoop!

What’s the first thing you do?

Well, for many it’s all about hitting Pinterest and Instagram to soak up as much inspiration as possible in order to make your day just perfect. You trawl the internet and spend a small fortune on bridal magazines, and what do you see? An army of brides that don’t look like you.

An army of brides clearly NOT wearing glasses for their special day. If they are wearing anything at all it’s a rather fancy pair of sunglasses quite obviously not meant for the sight impaired amongst us.

Given that 60% of the population require a prescription in order to see better, I’d say it’s a travesty that glasses wearers aren’t better represented and catered for in this multi-million pound industry.

This irritation had been something bothering me for a little while, but a conversation with a Spexbox client (who happens to be a wedding photographer and loves funky white glasses), really pushed me to consider this avenue seriously. I set up Spexbox Bridal to show that brides of all styles can wear glasses on their special day and look awesome.

Photo by Karen Dexter Photography

Historically here’s what usually happens to a glasses-wearing bride:

●Bride goes without wearing their glasses (for the sake of the photos) and struggles along squinting for most of the day

●Bride gets pushed in to contact lenses (because somehow you’re more attractive without glasses) despite feeling uncomfortable in them

●Bride gets some new glasses but advised to ‘go rimless’ because they blend in.

●Bride wears the same glasses they’ve had for ages not even realising that there’s something different out there!

There’s a general assumption that you won’t actually WANT to wear your glasses on your wedding day; that somehow you’ll be far more beautiful and comfortable without them. And that’s simply not the case; the right pair of glasses always bring joy and confidence when you put them on. I’ve even heard of make-up artists who say that glasses cover up all their hard work. To clarify, the WRONG glasses do. The right ones highlight all of your best features. I’m not sure what all of this says about our society; we obviously have a skewed idea of what’s beautiful. But I for one embrace so-called ‘imperfections’, they are what makes us real and uniquely us. They are one of the many things our partners love about us.

Karen Dexter Photography

To all you glasses-wearing brides-to-be out there, I’d urge you to put eyewear right at the top of your to-do list for the big day. It’s the first thing people see after all, and you’ll be looking at those photos for years to come


Most people struggle to find unique, fashion-forward glasses that really suit their face, look and personality. Spexbox will help you to find your perfect pair so you look stylish, feel comfortable and are at your most confident every time you wear them! We take the pain out of choosing glasses with expert styling advice and frame ranges you won't find anywhere else. For more information or to book your In-Store or Virtual Frame Styling Appointment visit our website.

Bridal Eyewear needn’t be boring.


@thespexbox @spexboxbridal