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Wedding Planning Self Care - Taking Care Of Your Mental Health

Planning a wedding is really exciting - but it can also be really overwhelming, really stressful and a toll on your mental health. We’re here to talk about how important wedding planning self-care is, so that what should be a wonderful thing doesn’t turn into a huge stressor in your life. 

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Wedding wellbeing: trust the experts


Sometimes, in our minds’ we can paint the picture of a wedding and everything surrounding it in a picture-perfect, fairytale light. Juliet M. Dujmovic offers bridal coaching to support you when things aren’t as “fairytale perfect” as we often find. She also has her own book on the reality of wedding planning What They Don’t Tell You About Planning Your Own Wedding, full of practical guidance and, effectively, a warm hug from someone who’s been there!

As a certified life coach and an experienced first-time bride, Juliet writes a wonderfully frank book to help you with honesty through the process. Her chapter on mental health in wedding planning is a godsend!


Don’t go it alone


Get people around you to share the load and help you along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family for support - they’ll love to be involved in getting ready for your big day! Make a list of all the tasks (don’t forget to use our handy checklist) and see who you can delegate the different tasks to. 

Perhaps you struggle with decision making, and figuring out flower arrangements is causing you a lot of stress, let alone picking a venue! Who do you know who can help you make these decisions? Sometimes we just need someone else to talk things through with, and that’s where trusted friends and family come into play. Don’t let all of the tasks overwhelm you - ask for help.

A Lover’s Thread

Make space for rest

It may sound simple, but this is so important. Wedding planning self-care isn’t just about staying on top of things and being organised. You’re not a machine. It’s also about making time for rest, for the things that help you stay grounded. If you’re struggling to know where to begin, we’ve got just a few recommendations to get you started: 

  • Headspace. This app is perfect for guided meditations to keep you balanced and connected to yourself. Disconnect from all your stressors, and reconnect with your inner self with the help of this app.

  • Walks. Clear your head. Get outside, and walk. You could also consider leaving your phone at home to truly unplug and recharge.

  • Establish a routine. In the midst of wedding planning when it can feel like you’ve a hundred-and-one things on your mind, having a daily routine that factors this in is so helpful.


Take your time

We’ll say it again: Take your time. Take time for yourself. Take time to be with your partner. Take time to enjoy the process. 

Planning your time is one of the key parts of wedding planning self-care that will really help to make sure you’re not left feeling frazzled! Our wedding planning checklist is a great place to start, giving you guidance on what we’d recommend you be ticking off your task list month-by-month.

Set boundaries

Wedding planning can be all-consuming especially if you aren’t using a wedding planner and you are trying to manage everything on top of a full-time job! Don’t allow it to take over your life. Set boundaries like no wedding planning after a certain time of night, or assign yourself some wedmin-free days, even some days where you don’t even mention the wedding! It’s important that you are able to switch-off.

We know it’s easier said than done to just “relax” in the midst of what can feel like chaos. But trust us: this is our thing. All that wedding planning stuff? We’ve been there. And we’ve got a list of trusted suppliers and a blog of guidance to help you through the process. 

You’ve got this.