7 Things That Go Wrong At Weddings And How To Overcome Them

Written by Becci Clubb

All couples worry about things that go wrong at weddings, wondering what might not go to plan on their special day. Here, we speak to an anonymous wedding coordinator, who has seen her fair share of unexpected hiccups and outright disasters. 

From forgotten rings to relentless rainstorms, it can be stressful and overwhelming when weddings go wrong. But by keeping your cool and staying flexible, you can pull the day back and have the wedding of your dreams. Read on for real-life wedding fails and tips on how to handle them.

When weddings go wrong – How to overcome things that go wrong at weddings…

But where are the rings?!

Picture this: the ceremony is about to start, guests are seated and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride, who is moments away from walking down the aisle. Suddenly, the groom realises he’s forgotten the rings. They are still in his car, which is parked miles away from the venue. Luckily, the ceremony could be delayed while he dashed to get them. After being held at the entrance, the bride greeted her groom at the end of the aisle, none the wiser to why they were delayed! 

Top Tip: Create a wedding day checklist. On your big day, so much is going on it’s easy to forget even the most crucial items. Make a detailed list of everything you need, from rings and vows to emergency sewing kits. Assign a trusted friend or family member to double-check this ahead of the day list to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Two handmade wedding bands. Photo by: Fiona Kelly

Modern wedding rings handmade by Nikki Stark Jewellery

The classic name change.

During the ceremony – to the horror of the couple and the amusement of the guests – the registrar accidentally said the wrong names. It was an awkward moment that could have been avoided!

Top Tip: You will have a chance to go over everything with the person conducting the ceremony, either the night before or immediately before the wedding. Reiterate the pronunciation of names and any unique aspects of the ceremony at this time to avoid a similar mistake.

Brides laughing during their wedding ceremony as their celebrant stands in between holding an open folder. Photo Credit Steven Haddock

There will be no need to worry, as you’ll be in safe hands with Chloe Green Celebrant

First Dance Fail.

One of the first things you might think of when considering things that go wrong at weddings is the first dance. A cherished moment for the newlyweds and a part of the day that guests excitedly anticipate, taking to the dance floor can be a lot of pressure. Luckily, almost all first dances are completed without so much as a foot out of line, but one couple took a tumble during their dance. The bride tripped over her dress and landed horizontally. Instead of letting it ruin the moment, the groom picked her back up and together they finished the dance, earning whoops and cheers from their guests!

Top Tip: Remember, you are surrounded by people who love you. If you trip or stumble, don’t let embarrassment take over. Laugh it off and keep going. Your guests will admire your grace and be cheering from the sidelines.

Forgotten Flowers

In the haste of leaving for the church on time, the bride and her bridesmaids accidentally left their bouquets behind. They realised once the car pulled up to the ceremony venue, by which time it was too late. Fortunately, once the ceremony finished, a family member retrieved them in time for the all-important photos.

Top Tip: Rely on your guests to help when things go wrong. Don’t be afraid to ask for help on the wedding day. Assign someone to take responsibility for remembering important details, like ensuring the bouquets are with the bridal party. Delegation is key to a smooth wedding day.

You’ll never want to put a Pretty Pricks bouquet down!

Your ex turns up…

During one wedding reception, the best man’s speech went from bad to worse and eventually veered into dangerous territory when he mentioned the groom’s ex-partners. Guests fell silent as the couple awkwardly squirmed at the top table. It was uncomfortable for everyone!

Top Tip: Ask a trusted friend to vet the speeches before the wedding day. This person can review the scripts to ensure they are appropriate and won’t cause embarrassment for the couple or any of their guests.

The domino effect.

Weddings often run behind schedule. I’ve seen ceremonies start late, the wedding breakfast take too long and speeches go on for what felt like a lifetime. At each point, running late causes a domino effect on the rest of the day’s events. This can lead to stress and rushed moments. And while it’s important to try and stick to the schedule, it’s also important that you enjoy your day. Hand the timings over to a wedding coordinator so that you can relax, rather than clock watch. Be warned though, if you are very late to your ceremony there is a strong chance the person performing the ceremony will have had to leave and you won’t be married at all!

Top Tip: Adapt and adjust for a smooth and stress-free wedding day. Build extra time into your schedule for unexpected delays. If things start to run late, stay calm and flexible. Communicate with your coordinator to make necessary adjustments to the running order. 

The sky falls down.

One couple planned a beautiful marquee wedding in mid-July, only to face stormy winds and a constant downpour like you have never seen. The couple and their guests made it their mission to have fun despite the weather. They didn't let the rain dampen their spirits!

Top Tip: Embrace the weather, no matter what. Yes, you’ll be hoping for fine conditions, but you can’t wait for the weather. Dance in the rain, let your dress get dirty and enjoy your day despite the weather. Often, unexpected experiences make for the most cherished memories and unique photographs.