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Do You Need To Go To A Wedding Fair When You Are Planning Your Wedding?

The Un-Wedding Show Sheffield image by Andrew Heeley

When it comes to wedding planning, there’s no shortage of advice and recommendations. One piece of advice you might hear is that you should attend a wedding fair (and you know we hate the word ‘should’ at The Un-Wedding, but do you really need to go? Is it worth the time and money? Let’s explore this further so you can make an informed decision! Here is EVERYTHING you need to know about attending a wedding fair!

What Is a Wedding Fair?

First things first, let’s talk about what a wedding fair actually is. A wedding fair is kind of like a one-stop shop for all your wedding needs—from florists to cakes, photographers, and everything in between. It’s usually sponsored by local wedding suppliers, so they tend to be centered around specific geographic areas. Most are held in convention centers or hotels with multiple vendors showcasing their services but the best ones, like The Un-Wedding Show, will take place in unique, alternative wedding venue spaces which is far more intriguing!

The Un-Wedding Show Sheffield image by Andrew Heeley

Do You Really Need to Go To A Wedding Fair?

Attending a wedding fair definitely has its advantages. Mainly, it gives you the opportunity to get a vibe for different wedding vendors before committing to booking their service. This can help eliminate unnecessary stress from your planning process because you don’t have to worry about making decisions based on incomplete information or reviews from other people who may not have had similar experiences as you would. Additionally, attending a wedding fair gives you the chance to compare prices and services offered side by side for the sake of comparison—which can save you money in the long run! It’s also a great way to really start to visualise what is possible for your wedding as most suppliers will dress their stand to give you an idea of their talents and what they can do for you. But perhaps one of the most important reasons to go to a wedding fair is to get in the spirit and have fun because planning your wedding is an exciting time, and something to celebrate!

The Un-Wedding Show Sheffield image by Andrew Heeley

Are There Downsides of Attending a Wedding Fair?

If you look hard enough, there are some downsides too! Some wedding fairs (not The Un-Wedding Show!) can feel a bit soulless. I mean, who wants to be faced with stands encouraging you to lose weight for your wedding? Or, to have whiter teeth? Botox even?! And others might be full of wedding vendors that just don’t tick any boxes for you because they haven’t been curated for a couples like you. Also, since wedding fairs are typically sponsored by local businesses they may not include vendors from outside your immediate area—and if they do those vendors might charge extra fees for travel or other expenses associated with getting them out there. Finally, couples might find that attending too many wedding fairs can cause them to become overwhelmed with options!

What’s The Conclusion? Do You Really Need To Go To A Wedding Fair When You Are Planning Your Wedding?

Ultimately, as with anything to do with your wedding, it’s completely up to you! But don’t just go to any old wedding fair or ALL the wedding fairs, choose wisely! Look for a wedding fair that feels as though it’s catered towards you and your style. For example, The Un-Wedding Show is specifically aimed at non-traditional couples who want a modern wedding with lots of unique and personal touches. if that doesn’t appeal to you then find another one that does. If meeting your wedding suppliers face-to-face is important to you, then YES, attending a wedding fair is a great way for you to do this. If you just want to experience the excitement and buzz of planning your wedding in a fun and interactive way as opposed to trawling the internet and relying on Google reviews then attending a good wedding fair is the answer! And finally, if you go to the right wedding fair for you, you are likely find the majority of what you need in one glorious afternoon! Perfect! … not that I’m biased or anything!

The Un-Wedding Show London photo by Natalia Case