The Humanist Wedding Celebrant Ensuring Your Ceremony Is The BEST Bit!

Nat Raybould Photo by Elena Popa

Hi! I’m Nat, and I’m a Humanist wedding celebrant. I create bespoke ceremonies for couples who are elegant, enthusiastic, and eccentric!

When I got married eight years ago our first thought was to have a Humanist wedding ceremony. I trained to be a celebrant because I wanted to help other couples feel as genuinely excited about their wedding ceremony as I did: it was hands down the best part of the day!

Too often the wedding ceremony is considered The Bit To Get Out Of The Way: the dull bit to endure before the cool food, drink and merriment. And that’s a HUGE shame because the ceremony is the reason everyone is there! - it’s called your wedding day, not your Big Party Day, after all…! If you are gonna get married, spend that money, make that effort – let’s kickstart the day with the best wedding ceremony ever! – the most memorable, most personal and “SO YOU!” bit of the whole shebang!

Nat Raybould conducting a Humanist Wedding: Photo by Babb Photo

Humanist Ceremonies: They Fit Like A Glove!

My ceremonies are designed from scratch to fit each of my couples like a glove. This means I can create wildly varying ceremonies: from the elegantly quirky to raucous whoopie-cushion comedy, and all sorts of delicious flavours in between. It’s my job to get to know you and understand your vibe as a couple, and celebrate your unique relationship with in-jokes, laughs, happy tears, and sentiment aplenty! The process of us getting to know each other (usually c.6 months) means that, when you walk down the aisle, it’s like having a wedding ceremony led by your best friend – so much more fun than a registrar who you meet ten minutes before your civil ceremony!

In recent years I have written ceremonies that contained premieres of specially written music, singalongs of meaningful tunes, a scavenger hunt under the guests’ seats, and a real-life Rick Roll – anything goes! Your bespoke wedding ceremony will never be the same as anyone else’s ceremony, but they all share the same ethos: they will be fully authentic representations of your love, shining out in every word.

Nat Raybould Humanist Wedding - Photo by Leanne Jade Photography

Nat Raybould Humanist Wedding - Photo by Leanne Jade Photography

The Legal Biz

Sadly, in England and Wales currently, Humanist ceremonies aren’t legal – although we are working on this, as you may have heard…! This isn’t any problem though! You can have a statutory civil ceremony without a ring exchange or any fuss to “sign on the dotted line”, and then have your bespoke personal ceremony with all of your guests, anywhere you want, indoors or outdoors, day or night, in a plane or the London Dungeon… - your only impediment is your imagination!

Any Questions?

I could wax lyrical about Humanist ceremonies for DAYS, believe me! – but if this has whetted your appetite, do get in touch! I hang out on Instagram and am obnoxiously contactable on there, or email me, or send me a carrier pigeon: whatever suits :) I can’t wait to hear from you!

Much love, N xx

Nat Raybould Photo by Elena Popa

Nat Raybould Photo by Elena Popa

Nat Raybould is a Humanist wedding celebrant, who is currently loving Moira Rose, posh crumpets, Blythe dolls and mismatched patterns. You can find her at or follow her on Insta!