The Un-Wedding Top 5 Wedding Trends in 2023

The feet of an alternative groom wearing pink velvet trousers, leopard print socks and black loafers with the words 'Till Death written on the back.

Photo by Lauren Elliott Photography

It's hard to believe that we're already thinking about what the top wedding trends will be in 2023, but as founder of The Un-Wedding, it's my job to stay ahead of the game. And I have to say, I am so excited about what's in store for the future of modern weddings despite the UK’s recession which will no doubt have an impact on the wedding industry AGAIN!

If there is one thing the pandemic taught us, it’s that, as a creative industry we are resilient and able to adapt to change. The last couple of years have changed the face of weddings for sure in ways that have become less about restrictions and necessity, and more about ways that we are accustomed and well-adapted to. These are the Top 5 wedding trends that I think we will see more of in 2023.

Micro Weddings

An awesome wedding but make it small! Micro weddings, or intimate gatherings with fewer than 50 guests, have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the pandemic. And it looks like they're here to stay. Couples are realizing the benefits of a smaller guest list, including more time and attention for each guest, less stress on the couple, and the ability to splurge on higher-quality details that make more impact.

An alternative bride and groom standing side by side in a yellow bus stop.

Photo by Stephanie Butt Photography

Virtual Weddings

Virtual weddings became more prevalent during the pandemic, and it looks like they're here to stay as well. Whether it's a full-blown virtual wedding with a live stream and virtual attendees, or a hybrid event with some guests in person and some joining remotely, virtual weddings are a great option for couples who have guests who cannot travel or who want to include a larger audience.

Sustainable Weddings

I hate calling this one a trend because actually, sustainable weddings, or weddings that prioritise the planet and eco-friendly practices, are the future. From choosing local and organic food and flowers to opting for reusable or biodegradable decor, couples are finding ways to reduce their environmental impact and create a more sustainable event.

Our gift list registry partners, Patchwork, have a range of gift list and honeymoon fund templates that actually give back to the planet by donating 50% of their fee to 1 of 3 environmental charities and they even have an option for you to crowdfund your wedding!

Destination Weddings

Destination weddings have always been popular. In true Un-Wedding style, couples are becoming way more adventurous when it comes to when and where they can get married. Gone are the measly options of church or registry office?! From beach ceremonies to mountain elopements, couples are choosing to tie the knot in beautiful and unique locations around the world, especially after being restricted from travel for so long.

Personalised wedding sign by Sylvie Signs

Personalisation of everything!

I’ve been championing the personalisation of weddings for 7 years now! Making your wedding true to you is the only thing that is going to set you apart from all the other weddings out there. It’s those personal touches that will make people remember your wedding as opposed to all the weddings just blending into 1! Bored of the same readings at every ceremony? Choose an excerpt from your favourite book or film. Don’t like champagne? Don’t serve it at your reception. Serve your favourite beer or cocktail instead! Your wedding is full of beautiful opportunities to show people who you really are.

Overall, the top wedding trends for 2023 are all about personalisation, sustainability, and intimacy. Whether you choose to have a big party or a small, intimate gathering, the most important thing is to plan a wedding that truly reflects who you are as a couple. You’ll find the best wedding suppliers to help you plan your modern wedding in our Book Of Love directory!

Melissa Woods