What To Do If Your Period Is Due On Your Wedding Day?
A woman laying on a bare mattress. Her arm is placed over her stomach as though she is in discomfort.
It is not uncommon for women to have their period on their wedding day, or around the time of their wedding. Let’s face it, when you set your wedding date, you probably weren’t planning it in line with your cycle cos why would you?! Fear not! If you’ve found yourself in a position whereby your period might be due on your wedding day, there are a few simple options you can consider:
Try not to overthink it.
Ultimately, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident on your wedding day. If you tend to breeze through your period each month then there is absolutely no reason why it needs to be a big deal on your wedding day. If you tend to struggle with your symptoms each month then being prepared or even delaying your period altogether might be the best course of action.
Wearing a tampon, sanitary towel, or menstrual cup on your wedding day.
Wearing your usual ‘go to’ period product will allow you to feel comfortable and secure on your wedding day, and will not be visible to others. If anything, it’s an excuse to buy that cute bridal bag that you weren’t sure you could justify, or, you can ask your closest pal to carry some supplies for you in case you need them.
A set of bright red menstrual cups.
Wear period absorbent undies.
They exist! Crazy huh?! Brands like ModiBodi have a whole range of cute, comfortable, and seamless underwear that have been designed to absorb your period, pee, sweat, and more while leaving you feeling fresh, dry, and odour-free.
A women wearing seamless underwear.
Continue to take your contraceptive pill back to back.
Some birth control pills can be taken continuously so that you don’t break to have your period. Check with your GP if this is ok to do with your brand of contraceptive. If not, there may be another option they can speak to you about.
Speak to your GP about medication that will delay your period.
Yep, it’s a thing. If you don’t take a contraceptive pill and you are really concerned about having your period on your wedding day, cramps, or other symptoms associated with your period, you may want to consider taking a tablet that will delay your coming on.
Keep in mind that these options may not be suitable for everyone, and it is important to speak with your GP to determine the best course of action for you.
You’ve got this!